After just one COVID affected year near Sydney's QVB its.....Moving Time.
Having signed a short-term lease in Feb 20 we were in the happy position on lease expiry to have lots of accommodation options; the result
of a post-COVID / WFH business enviroment.
Prior to the Feb 20 move we had setup flexible work systems to allow remote working .... its worked so well that one team member only visited the old QVB office twice!. This approach is being expanded in the Haymarket with investment in faster internet infrastructure and some business specific cloud-based apps.
To encourage team to attend the office we are developing Video meet areas, quiet rooms and we are using our open air garden courtyard for
meetings as part of a staged fitout that we hope to complete by end 2021.
Our new Haymarket location offers easy access to transport and clients, great facilities for our team ( apart from meeting spaces there are
pools & gyms, saunas & basketball courts) in a simply accessed space ( with no crowded foyers or long lift rides) serviced by a
separate air conditioning system that has natural ventilation ( openable windows) and daylight.
When you add parking on the same level as our space, lots of secure storage, high walls to test lights, a 400sqm courtyard & BBQ area
plus the ability to provide suppliers and team with parking.... whats not to love about being in Thai town, right next to Surry Hills.
We hope to welcome visitors by the end of May..... and hold a pool party or swimming carnival later in the year.