Getting The Band Back Together

After a break of nearly nine years, the man in black, Mal Barnes, rejoins Haron Robson as Principal Consultant & Leader of our avmatters
team..... more details soon. Mal's new contact details are:
E: T: +612 79034567
Until COVID passes he will be splitting his work time between home & HQ. Mal previously worked with us from 2002 to 2012 and brings extensive AV / ICT knowledge & experience to our technology team.
If ever anyone believed avmatters its Mal Barnes. He loves
it and has lived it. From a rocknroll background in the late 70's through disco, workplace, cinemas, auditoria , hospitality, education,
sports venues and large scale events; he's done it all.
Welcome back Mal.
Mal completed over 500 AV/ICT projects with us from 2002 to 2011 and after nearly 9 years working for an international MEP consultancy, now
he's back with the specialist electrical technology consultancy.
#haronrobson 34
years young, aussie owned, experienced & well resourced. we understand lightmatters. avmatters. wattmatters... anything electrical.