The National Broadband Network (NBN) is coming to a location near you… well, that’s what we’ve been told anyway. According to the NBN Co press release of 21st March, they’re still working to a tight schedule and they’re tracking well “NBN Co remains on track to deliver fast, affordable and reliable broadband to every Australian by 2021....”

We may not have to wait until then to experience improved communications though, and the electrical and audio visual teams here at Haron Robson are already predicting great things. One of the technologies getting everyone excited is the potential of the humble intercom system. Traditionally just a means of vetting visitors at the front door, the new version of this most old-fashioned of devices could be capable of a whole lot more.

Previous incarnations have worked on a digital network, allowing both video and audio, but no extra services. The latest technology, IP intercoms, allow the system to work over data cables – originally developed to have more power for larger buildings, the manufacturers are investigating the feasibility and working on software developments to expand capabilities.

The current idea is to utilise the intercom system to carry a messaging service for use within multi-unit residential developments. The benefits could be numerous: local and community-based messages could be communicated efficiently through the intercom, as well as precinct and building-related news and information directly from the building manager or body corporate. With the increased incidence of retail units being sited within apartment buildings, the intercom messaging service could also communicate special deals and services from local stores, purely for residents. 

There could be concerns around privacy and spamming (who wants ads for pharmacy-grade meds popping up on your intercom screen first thing in the morning?), but with a closed-circuit system and an IP address for each unit, the infrastructure would be unprecedentedly secure.

With IP Intercom systems in their infancy, these capabilities are still a work-in-progress. As the technology is installed more regularly in modern developments, it is becoming increasingly likely manufacturers will look for new ways to value-add and enhance the performance of their products. As communication has driven development in the past, communication continues to drive technology in the future.

To communicate directly with our team on all things futuristic, please contact Greg Reardon on +61 2 9712 5544 or email: No intercom needed… yet.

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